The Department of Biotechnology was established in 1999 only after VBS PU was brought under 12 (b) act of UGC in 1999, and residential status was conferred to it. Biotechnology education programme was initiated with an impetus to generate a workforce that could turn into a substantially trained pool to meet the country’s demands. To full fill this demand core faculty of the Department was appointed in 2000, out of 7 faculty positions only one remained vacant, the later was filled in 2010. To begin with 25 students later reduced to 16, were admitted to two years Post-graduate (M.Sc.) programme in Biotechnology through University level entrance test.
Considering the growth of Biotechnology at an international level, its applications in general spheres of life and the significant contributions made by the faculty, DBT, Govt. of India has approved the intake of students (16) through a National level combined entrance test conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi since 2009. Graduate students in this programme to begin with are imparted fundamental courses in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Genetics, and then exposed to a thorough study of other areas.
The Department since its inception had been given a strong base in Molecular Biology. The main focus of the programme is on Genetics, Industrial Microbiology, Immunology and other contemporary areas allied to Biotechnology. Basic training is given in Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Biochemical Engineering and some aspects of Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Environmental Biotechnology. Most of the faculty members have been provided accommodation in the university campus so that students have more access to teachers even during holidays. The faculty members of the department representing different areas are presently actively engaged research in burning areas of Modern Biology.
Over the years, Biotechnology programme at VBS PU has established itself as a leading academic centre both from the teaching and research point of view.The department is internationally recognized for their contribution to basic and applied aspects of Biotechnology research, and accordingly many central/state agencies have generously funded ad hoc research projects. The department has also been active in extension activities to address some of the societal needs related to biotechnology like: promotion of mushroom cultivation, awareness generation about aids, blood donation and blood testing activities

Dr. Lalji Singh being Felicitated

Recent Trends in Biotech. is being Released